Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How and why to grow your own

I just came across a great blog all about growing your own food. It's run by the Maryland Master Gardeners and the UM College of Agriculture & Natural Resources. Grow It Eat It has a wealth of practical and noteworthy information on how you can grow your own food -or food for those less fortunate (that's what we're all about here after all). In addition to the many reasons to grow your own food, add this latest nugget of doom: agricultural pesticides may have a negative effect on kids' IQ (hat tip: Garden Rant). Before I go an inch further with this, I want to make clear the provisional nature of this (and any other) scientific discovery. I'm not for clanging the alarm bells prematurely. The bottom line is that this bears some consideration. And speaking of reasons to grow your own food, I should like to recommend a book I recently came across, called Grow the Good Life by Michelle Owens.

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