Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Planting seeds

Very exciting to finally feel like the season is underway.  After a peculiarly warm late-Winter, it now feels as if the season is really ready to turn for good. 

I had the opportunity to meet with some community gardeners in Highland Heights this evening, to pitch the Harvest Stewards idea.  This season, we're targeting community gardens.  We hope to take advantage of the fact that folks may have to be absent from their beloved beans and tomatoes and zucchini on account of Summer vacationing.  When gardeners are unable to make it to their plots, they let us know and we check in on the plot during the gardener's absence to harvest and donate whatever is ready to be picked.  And, of course, we hope to prevail upon the good will of the gardeners to throw some surplus produce at us as well.  One person can only eat so much zucchini in one summer, after all...

I was also able to unload quite a lot of seeds donated to me by Baker Creek Nurseries.  It is great to see those seeds going to good use!