Monday, May 3, 2010

Here's what we got:

Here's what Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds donated to Harvest Stewards:
  • 10 packets of assorted melons
  • 15 packets of assorted squashes
  • 10 packets of radishes
  • 15 packets of okras
  • 15 packets of assorted greens
  • 10 packets of cucumbers
  • 10 packets of carrots
  • 10 packets of cabbages
  • 30 packets of assorted beans
  • 10 packets of onions
  • 10 packets of Swiss chard
It's hard to adequately express my thanks to the folks at Baker Creek for making such an enormously kind (and just flat-out enormous!) donation. In keeping with the ethos of Harvest Stewards, I'm doing my utmost to get every one of those seeds into the ground. Wish me luck!

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