Sunday, March 28, 2010

What this is all about.

Here's the idea: we get folks to commit to donate a portion of their garden harvest to local food banks, homeless shelters, drop-in centers, etc. Also, we encourage local churches to devote some portion of theire facilities' grounds to a garden whose produce will go to needy folks. The idea springs in part from my love of gardening, but also from Christ's message in the Gospel of Matthew (25:45) wherein he called us to serve "the least of these". How appropriate, then, to share one's own produce, and how appropriate indeed for well-landed churches to strive to be better stewards of some of that with which they have been entrusted- namely the land itself.

At the moment I write this, the Harvest Stewards program, as such, does not exist. It is just an idea as yet. Think of it as an ungerminated seed... It's not yet a legal entity, nor is it yet a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. But in the coming days, weeks and months, I hope for this to change. And, for now anyway, this is where you can see how this seed of an idea grows.

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