Thursday, July 7, 2011

Seasonal update

This time last year, we had already started our donations to Action Ministries.  This year?  So far, nothing has ripened up enough to donate.  I started a different sort of cucumber this year in my grow box, "Armenian Long" cucumbers.  They're poor producers so far.  Maybe they'll come in like gangbusters later on?  I hope so. 

On the bright side, it looks as if we'll have rhubarb to harvest in a few weeks' time. 
And there will be at least a few cantaloupes too:
They're small now, so I reckon mid-August will be their pick-date. 

The tomatoes are producing, but none are ripe just yet.  Okra plants are coming along slowly, I hope they'll start producing late this month or early next. 

Another positive development is that the beans are doing SO much better this year.  Last season, we got no beans whatsoever. This season, I used a soil inoculant and I suspect that has made the difference.  A long row of beans is just about to start climbing on the garden trellis.  It won't be long before we have a big green wall of protein waiting to be harvested!